Simple Set-up for Promoted Tweets and get one for free?

Have you tried out Twitter Promoted Tweets? Twitter started testing Promoted Tweets over a year ago and when I investigated I immediately believed it could be a worthy option. Unfortunately I couldn’t get the budget allocated. I’m sure many other marketers have had similar experiences. But now it seems like you might just be able to give the Promoted Tweets a whirl before asking for a big chunk of budget.

Go to

Step 1: Select your target audience.

Screenshot Promoted Tweets - Step 1


Step 2: Define what you want to promote.

Promoted Tweets - Step 2

Step 3: Select your budget.
(You need to select a Promoted Tweets daily budget and a maximum bid per engagement, plus a Promoted Accounts daily budget and maximum bid per follow.)

Promoted Tweets - Step 3

Step 4: Pay up!


Have you already tried Promoted Tweets?

If you’ve already tried Promoted Tweets please share some of your insight in comments. Include your Twitter @username so we can stay connected there too.